It turns out approximately 84% of real estate agents use social media platforms to receive business, how do you expect to be different from them in a market that is everchanging? How do you stand out from them? Real-estate investment is one of the biggest steps a person takes in their lives, and every buyer is looking for agents whom they can trust for their choices.


Your digital presence matters a lot in this case, as nearly 88% of Canadians look for a real estate agent for their house purchase needs. Find active buyers through leads generated via your strategies and convert them into clients! With the correct tricks and strategies, your agency might be able to achieve bigger requirements as well, and we very well help you do so.

If you’re a commercial real estate broker, you already know how intense the market is, and the level of competition existing. In fact, not only residential and commercial, even real estate attorneys and industrial real estate agents are a part of adverse complexities in order to attain clientele.
But, with real estate digital marketing, here’s what all we can do for you to help you achieve the right outcome.


  • Search Engine Optimization is the first and foremost step one can’t miss whilst taking care of real estate marketing. We do it in the best manner, ensuring that you’re ranking on one of the highest numbers on the SERPs every time someone searches ‘Real estate agents Canada’.
  • Use the idea often other marketers don’t like anymore but is the real powerhouse, we do email marketing and create successful cold pitches that convert readers to clients. On an average, real estate agents witness a 27% of view rate on emails, but when we do it our average is 65%.The general Click-Through Rate is approximately 3% but with our exertise we get around 24% on an average. Imagine getting this additional conversion possibility that other real estate agents are missing out on, stay ahead of the competition. With Midas Click your clicks will get you the Midas Touch.
  • Tons of real estate agents have websites ready for their agency, and how many of them actually witness converting leads on them? Barely any! With crisp and intact website designing, we make sure that you attain the right leads and visitors are persuaded to view your site for more information.
  • Pay-Per-Click is like that wishing well you drop a coin into, hoping that your wish comes true. Now imagine 97/100 wishes coming true—that’s the conversion rate we get you. Our PPC Campaigns are smart, attractive, and grabs the eyes of every viewer amidst a thousand adverts.
  • Pay-Per-Click is like that wishing well you drop a coin into, hoping that your wish comes true. Now imagine 97/100 wishes coming true—that’s the conversion rate we get you. Our PPC Campaigns are smart, attractive, and grabs the eyes of every viewer amidst a thousand adverts.